October 31th is the Halloween day! Some people decorate their houses with Halloween goods like the picture( I am too lazy to do that...this house is my neighbor's house, ) and many children come to houses to get treats saying "trick or treat!"
This year, it already was...my 4th Halloween in the U.S!
In 2003, my husband and I were invited his boss's house for a party. The boss's house was beautifully decorated to celebrate Halloween. So, lots of children came! In 2004, I prepared 100 bags of candies (like the second picture!), welcomed children at my home, and all of them were gone! Last year, the weather was not good. It started raining during the treat time. Even so, 80 bags of candies were gone.
So, here is a quiz for you! How many children did come to my house? I give you a hint: the weather was good, but I gave them treats for one and a half hour even though the treat time was two hour, from 6:00pm-8:00pm. ①80 ②100 ③120 ④140 I'll tell you the answer later!
Lately, Halloween has been getting popular in Japan. In some area, people enjoy wearing costume for Halloween parties or doing "trick or treat!"
When I was a child? I didn't know the word "Halloween," but actually, I remember I did "trick or treat!" As a matter of a fact...I said, "trick or candle!" not on October 31th, but August 7th.
July 7th is the "Star Festival" day in Japan. Because we can see the Galaxy clearly around the day, we believe a tragic prince and princess who were forced to being separated can meet just the day in a year. It is a romantic legend.
We believe the prince and princess make our wish come true if we celebrate the day. However, my motherland, Hokkaido(You know Japan has four major islands. I am from the northern island,) the summer comes later than the main land. We can see the Galaxy more clearly in August. Therefore, we celebrate the Star Festival on August 7th.
Anyway, on the Festival day, children went to neighbor's houses, and said "trick or candle!" But no child wanted CANDLES, so they always gave us CANDIES.
Oh, we didn't masquerade! I think it is just a local custom...I have never heard someone who are from another area did so. However, someone who knew Halloween must have started this custom! Don't you think it's interesting!?
Speaking of the trick or treat... even though my husband and I came back home at 6:30, which was a half hour later treat time started, so many guests came to my home! I took pictures some of them to share you☆ The answer of the quiz? It is..number 3! 120 people came to my house! I prepared 125 bags of candies, and just 5 of them are left. A few children got two... I remember who did... So, the exact number is 118? Well,I shouldn't be picky!
Anyway,the Halloween day is a fun day not only for children but also for husbands!? Because some high school girls or college girls wear SEXY costume like bunny girls and come to houses to get treats!
However, they didn't come to my house (I don't know why!) this year, so unfortunately, I can't show you their pictures! Sorry, guys!!
There was only a group of three "big" guys coming to our house. After seeing the bags of treat you prepared, I am thinking about playing trick or treat next year (hopefully, my neighbors are all like you). It would be also interesting to see how others decorate houses for Halloween!
It's funny your Halloween's guests are three BIG guys! I have never played "trick or treating"(Oh, I have played trick or candling?),enjoy it! I think adults also can enjoy doing it!!
Hey, Liz!
Why do you feel guilty when you eat Halloween treats? Because you are concerned your weight? If so, I understand! Last night, I ate a cream pudding at the midnight☆
Then,I felt guilty! Oh, now I am eating Chocolate Covered Peanut Batter Pretzels (by Trader Joe's! I love it!) before lunch. Now, I feel guilty!!
今はもうクリスマスシーズンだから、自宅をイルミネーションで飾ってる人たちはすごいよ!(写真アップしなきゃね!) 私は、自分の洋服とかは興味あるけど、そーいうのは見てるだけでいいの(笑)。
クリスマスは、キリスト教徒さんにとって大切な行事だから、やっぱり盛り上がってるかなぁ。 パーティあったり、クリスマスカードみんなにだしたり、街ではサンタさんと子供たちが写真とったり、スーパーでは、常に鐘を鳴らしてるボランティアさんが、寄付をつのったり。
が、私は、アメリカに住んで3年以上たってても、まだ「クリスマス当日」をこっちで過ごしたことがない! 年末年始はいつも日本に帰ってるので、12月24か25は、いつも飛行機の中か、旦那の実家の三重県にいます(笑)。
Halloweenの写真が懐かしい! 以前住んでらしたお宅の周りの雰囲気もとっても懐かしい!
けいこちゃんのblogを読んで、あらためてhard workingで努力家のけいこちゃんに会えたことをありがたく思います。本当にすばらしい!
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