Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Promising performance, Promising people

I delivered a speech at the Toastmasters' meeting tonight.
The speech was project #1 of the "Communicating on Television" manual, the editorial, the one I published in the"Editorial; more women to work" article on this blog.

My performance was not bad, but not perfect. I practiced a lot, but I stopped once(in a few seconds,) wondering a number was correct, even though I repeated the number tons of times.
I just recalled the World Champion Ship Figure Skating. Mao Asada said, "I'm glad about not only getting the gold medal, but also performing "almost" perfectly."
...I understand her feeling (even though our levels are so much different...) "Performing perfectly" is VERY difficult!!

To make the performance perfectly, the important things are; practice, feedback, and challenge.
Practice; I can never give a good performance unless I practice a lot.
Feedback; Listen to objective advice, look back your performance video or listen to your recorded speech many times. Learn from these, and turn the previous experience to advantage.
Challenge: Try to deliver new types of performance. If I stay my comfort zone, I'll never improve.

If I keep them in my mind, I think (I hope) my performance will be promising ones.

By the way, today, one guy came back as a member.
He might be...a boy. He is Yuta, a high school student, just became 18 years old.
He had been busy with studying for entering exam of a prestigious university, but he passed that. So, he came back to us.

In my club, most members are career women who are in their 30's to 50's.
Think about the scene. There is one young VERY cute boy among around-40 women & middle aged women(we have several male members too, but the are Ojisan. Yuta is just outstanding!)
Yuta is like...a little sheep among wild wolves???

Anyway, a common 18 year old boy doesn't match our gathering.
However, he is very...capable. Capable for any roles, capable for any speeches, capable as a resourceful member. He is very friendly, obedient to ask anything, and assertive enough to express his opinion. Especially, among his comments and speeches, we can see his consideration to everyone.
Sometimes I meet such a promising young person.
If I can find one of them per year, I think I'm lucky. I mean, there is not so many young people like Yuta, but they EXIST regardless of their nationalities.

I'm not young enough to be a "promising" girl, but I would like to keep challenging to make "promising" performances.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Secret of Youth

One of my oldest private students, Masahiko, is 78 year old, a president of a psychiatric hospital.
He looks like Santa Claus. Always smiling, having white hair and beard.
Whenever I ask him, "What did you do last weekend?" he always answers, "I worked" or "I attended a conference."

I know he isn't only working hard, but also writes many articles to publishers.
I'm always impressed by him. He looks much younger, and his complexion is always fresh.
Today, I asked him, "what's your secret of staying younger?"
He laughed and said, "Maybe, keeping busy life? Having many plans in life is important...
Oh, I believe studying English makes me stay younger! I feel like, I use my brain the most when I speak in English! I know speaking English is so natural to you, but using plural languages still trains our brains. So, YOU CAN stay younger, too! Don't worry!"

...I know he is sweet, but it's a very nice comment, isn't it!?
"Study English to stay younger"... Can I use it as a catch phrase to advertise our language school!???

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I've been busy recently.
I have to teach more classes than usual, I will deliver a speech at the Toastmasters next Tuesday, and I need to go to hospital EVERY DAY, recently!

I always want to keep the best balance of my daily lives.
Work, preparation for classes, housework, medical treatment, self-study, social activities, recreation, and extracurricular activities like Toastmasters or French...
If I become too busy, I would be exhausted, and the qualities of work or activities would decline. But, if I have too much time, I can't wide my capacity!

Finding the best balance is really difficult.
I have a conflict of this matter all the time... So far, I hope I can get through this busy month and find out that my capacity becomes...bigger.
AND, hope to keep writing this blog this month! Although I don't have confidence...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Editorial; More women to work population

At the Toastmasters' activity, I'm working out new manual, which is "Communicating on Television." This is for practices as a news anchor or TV host, or PR of a company, or professional instructor. I mean, any person who appears on TV.
I will not appear on TV, but I thought the practices were interesting.

My first assignment is "speaking an editorial." I have to speak out my opinion for recent news.
My biggest concern has been how hard for Japanese mothers to work outside.
Here is my "editorial."

Title: Find out the latent economic blessing

France; 80%. Japan; 60%. Can you guess what the percentages are? They mean, in France, 80 % of women in their 30’s are working, compared to just 60% in Japan. 
What do the other 40% of Japanese women do in their 30’s?
Most of them are mothers and many of them want to work, but they can’t.

Take a look at this graph. (Sorry, I can't show YOU the graph here!)
The line indicates how many children wait for entering authorized preschools.
These columns are the capacity of authorized preschools.
The number of mothers who want to work, leaving their kids at preschools, has increased.
But there are not enough preschools to take care of the children.
So-called, “standing-by” kids for entering preschools are more than 25,000.

However, according to a trial calculation by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the actual number is more than 800,000 because most of mothers give up to apply for authorized preschools or some of them don’t have preschools in their neighborhood.

I’m in my 30’s, and don’t have a child so far.
However, if I become a mother, I would be the one of the mothers of these kids.
I teach English at a language school. If I become a mother, firstly, it would be very hard for my kid to be approved from an authorized preschool in my area. Even if my kid would enter a preschool, I can’t skip my classes even when my kid gets sick.
My parents are in Hokkaido, and my in-law’s live in Mie, so I can’t rely on my parents to raise my kid.

Today, Japan has a working population of 66 million people. The non-working population is 45 million. Among them, 40 % of them are the elderly or housewives.
A decade from now, the working population is expected to drop by 5 million. Japan has declining birthrate and the fastest rate of aging population in the world. To make our country prosperous, we have to take actions immediately to get the latent economic blessing, I mean, to let many women work outside.

I would like to suggest two approaches.
One is for the government. I would like to suggest abolishing the child-rearing allowance, which is 26,000 yen per kid every month. The total amount of the allowance is 5 trillion and 5 thousand hundred million yen per year.
The total expenditure for all authorized preschools in Japan is about 1 trillion. It means, we could have 5 times more preschools if the government decides to abolish child-rearing allowance.

The other approach is for the companies. Work-sharing, complete child-care leave, flex time system… There are not enough companies making these effort to let women continue to work after they become mothers.

The government and companies should promptly start working on this issue.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Accumulated Time

One of my close friends, who often visits my blog, Reina, is visiting Tokyo!
I was so exited to see her and promised to bring her to the Western Butlers' Cafe(again!)
However, unfortunately, the cafe was closed irregularly!!
So, we went to Loccitane (my favorite organic cosmetic brand) Cafe at Shibuya.

Although I made a REGRETFUL (I'm kidding!) careless mistake that I didn't know the butlers' cafe was closed today, I had a great time with Reina.
We ate, talk about serious issues & casual issues, spoke out what we want right now & how our lives would be going to, etc, etc...

It has been 18 years since we met the first time. We "connected with" at the first sight, and I wanted to be her friend... However, the time we accumulated & the fact that we talked about anything each other, made our relationship special. I would say, it's more than "rapport."

My hubby and I were visiting my in-law's house in Mie last weekend.
I felt the same thing as between Reina when I communicated with my in-laws. We are not "related" (I mean, as blood) but we had connected, having taken time.

I'm not a person who often hang out with a lot of people. But I know how important is to have time together when I try to make connections between people.
We can't live alone, so we get together.
I hope I have more people to be with, or I hope I can make deep connections between my close people.
...Thank you very much for YOUR TIME of reading my blog!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Just like having favorite fashion brands, I have my favorite lingerie brand.
I think I haven't bought any lingerie of another brands for a few years...
The brand is parfage, by wacoal(Japanese lingerie brand.)

If you check the Web-site out, you would notice.
Even though there are many cheap-but-cute lingerie brands, the parfage is not one of them.
However, I love their elegant, cute designs and beautiful colors. The "infits" exactly suit for my philosophy when I chose fashion..."I love you, and you love (maybe) me."

But you may think the same thing...girls do not "show off" their lingerie, so I don't want to invest a lot of money for that. Even though I want to wear my favorite ones, on the closest to my skin!
Therefore, I always go to a biannual big sale of wacoal, and get "parfage" lingerie there.
I don't care they are one or two season ago's fashion, but I would like to get the "set." The same design of a bra, a few panties, and a camisole. I can get them under the half prices from the regular ones at a big sale! Getting parfage there is perfect!

I went to the sale last week and got one set, and I was wearing them today.
I was very happy, but...the panties were a little bit weird. I need to tie ribbons on the both sides when I wear them. The design is VERY cute, but not practical... Whenever I went to a rest room, I noticed the panties always "slipped down" automatically because the ties were very easy to untie!! And I might look like an idiot, not SEXY at all!

Being fashionable is not so easy. Even under clothes, girls have "secrets."
In my case, not sexy secrets at all...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Catch it, feel it, and keep having it

Last night, my hubby and I drove (actually, HE drove) for four hours to visit my parents-in-law's house.
Today, we drove around neighborhood, enjoying the nice weather.

In a car, we listened to FM Tokyo (here, FM Nagoya?) The problem was Cosmo Pops Best ten.
The DJ, Filiz was bilingual. Among many so-called bilingual people...she was AUTHENTIC.
She did not only speak in English and Japanese, she communicated with guest artists in perfect English, and translated what they said into very beautiful Japanese. Also, they sounded REALLY natural & spontaneous.

She is completely my ideal vision.
I should be motivated more and more & make ULTIMATE effort to be like her... But recently, I just sit back & relaxed.
I think people can make their dreams come true are not just hardworking or lucky.
If I can catch such a perfect vision for me (like Filiz,) feel my desire desperately, and keep having the vision, I'm supposed to be able to keep making effort to "become" the vision. That is competence of making dreams come true!
I can catch it & feel it, but it's hard for me (and for many people, I guess) to "keep having it."
How can I do that? BUT, if I have such a competence, I think I even don't have time to wander it!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcom & Farewell

It completely blew my mind. I didn't expect that.
I didn't expect he would be leaving me!

He. Kotaro! My private student, who is a high school student! When I went to school, I got a looong letter from Kotaro's mom.
She wrote that his math score was very low so that he might not to promote the next grade.
He has to work hard for math a lot, so he can't continue taking my English private lessons!

I have taught him "three way system of English reading-VERY simple version" recently.
He enjoyed taking my lessons, and he began to understand English sentences.
He said, "I'm VERY sorry, Keiko sensei! I hope I can come back to your lessons after I get better math grade."
We've decided the next week would be his last lesson.
I've taught him almost one year. Sometimes I wanted to give up teaching him because he is a VERY slow learner...but I think I had some responsibility for that.
I tried hard to make him understand. He made me grow as a teacher.

After I said good-bye to him, I noticed.
The number of my classes have been less than before! Once, I taught 20 classes. But now, my classes from April will be...after I lose Kotaro's class...let's see, 11 or 12!
I told Kazumi, our competent manager.
"I'm concerned I might be losing my students!"
She said, "Oh, do you want more classes? LEAVE IT TO ME!! I've got eight students this month. I'll make some classes, maybe TOEIC or something, for you!!"

...OK, I know I can count on her... I'm looking forward to welcoming my new students!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Impromptu English Interview

Before I went to work, I got an... interview.

One inactive member of the Toastmasters (let's say, he's "Kei." He's Japanese.) just founded an on-line language educational company with several international people.
He sent an e-mail to me, saying, "May I interview you? We want to ask people who have studied English a lot to enhance our Web-site." I answered, "Sure!"
Later, he added, "Is it OK if our American president accompanies us?"
I answered, "Of course!"
He also said, "FYI, the interview will be conducted in JAPANESE. Our president is American, but he is very fluent in Japanese."
I replied, "OK!"

When I met Kei and Lary (the American president,) we talked in Japanese.
However, right after the interview started, Lary said, "May I conduct the interview in English? If you're comfortable in Japanese, you can answer in Japanese."
...Then, the interview began.
His questions were;
Why did you choose your current job?
When do you feel happy as an English teacher?
Why did you choose your language school as your working place?
If you apply our Web-site as a teacher, do you mind showing your photo?
What kind of subjects do you teach now?
How much do you get paid from your school?
If you work for us, how much salary do you want?
If we prepare props, will you work as a teacher for us?

...They also asked me my Web-life (how much time do you use your PC, which Web-sites do you visit often, etc,) BUT the above questions sound like...a job interview, don't they?
I don't think I can teach English conversation to international people on line( native speaker are much more attractive as English teachers!), but one question arose in my mind.
Why did Kei say, "The interview is conducted in JAPANESE" beforehand?
I didn't care it would be in English or Japanese. However, I felt like they might be testing me as an eligible English teacher on their educational Web-site.
I answered them all in English, but did they check my fluency or grammatical mistakes or pronunciation?

Anyway, having their questions, I refreshed my first motivation why I became an English teacher. And...I noticed again that I need to practice my English EVERY DAY.
Will I become a teacher on their site? or a student on their site? Might be both?
"English studying" is like "riding an elevator" which we never can get off...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

English Emceeing

Tonight, I became the Toastmaster of the Day.
Toastmaster of the day conducts the Toastmasters' meeting. In other words, I was a emcee at an all-English meeting. I did it once or twice at the Toastmasters' Club in America, but it was my first time to be the emcee in a Japanese club (still, the language is English, though.)

I wanted to prepare for that earlier, but I had been so busy that I started to prepare that TODAY. Moreover, after I sent my hubby off this morning, I couldn't wake up until 12:30 pm! because...I was tired, maybe.
After I woke up, I started to gather information for the meeting, and write the script of emceeing. I don't write a script when I do wedding emcee job in Japanese. So, I wondered if not writing the script would be better to prepare for English emceeing, too...but I wanted to be safe.

During the preparation, I didn't want to eat (which is VERY rare for me,) I felt nausea, and I thought I had a mild fever(I didn't have time to measure my fever, so I didn't know it's true, though...) I said, "Can I go to the meeting tonight? I think I'm sick!!" to myself.
But I knew I was not sick. It's typical condition before I speak formally in front of people.

Then, I went to Aoyama in which our meeting is held.
The meeting started... As a result? I REALLY enjoyed emceeing!
Even though I was not VERY well-prepared, I think I did a good job.
The Toastmasters' members also gave me compliments a lot. Some members talked, "Do you know that? Keiko was a wedding emcee! No wonder why she is such a GREAT EMCEE!"

I know the Toastmasters' members always try to "compliment" a lot for our improvement.
I know I shouldn't brag it...but I was glad what I did. I was a flexible & friendly emcee, and everybody (maybe) enjoyed the meeting!
I was supposed to "sick" before the meeting. But after the meeting, I was VERY fine and went out to drink with members.

Little accomplishments like today's emceeing make me very happy.
To get those accomplishments, sometimes I need to push myself even though I feel... nausea.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


It was a VERY hard day, today.
I had EIGHT lessons in a day to teach, including "little gang" 7-8 year-old class, a stubborn businessman's private class... March is the busiest month because some students have to finish their classes in the semester.

Yesterday, I was buried myself with household job for (almost) the amount of a week (because I knew I would be very busy in the first half of this week,) and preparation for Monday's classes.
I was so busy that I thought, "Can I really make my dream come true someday!???"
My "dream" is working as an English teacher on weekdays & being a bilingual wedding emcee on weekend. Even if I work for a few weekdays, if I need to prepare a lot for Monday classes...can I really work on weekends??? But I guess I don't have to worry. If the time when I face the situation comes(fortunately,) just face it. Try to go through it. I can grow my professionalism in desperate situations!

I thought so, but today, during my busy work, my confidence? was already about to disappear.
At the first class, an awkward mix-up occurred among private students. That was an assistant manager's mistake, but I needed to apologize to a student on behalf of him.

When I communicated with energetic kids, a few babies who were visiting with their moms CRIED a lot. They just couldn't stop crying, so I was exhausted.
At the 9-10 year-old kid class, one eccentric boy couldn't stop SCREAMING. My ears really hurt because of his high-tone big voice.

But when I taught "a stubborn business man" in two consecutive TOEIC classes, I got good responses from him.

I always wonder if I have professionalism, or if what I did was not appropriate.
But I BELIEVE I can grow my professionalism in such a desperate situation, unless....I forget what I learned today.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

White Day's Gift

Yesterday, I intended to stay home & prepare for the upcoming Toastmaster's meeting.
However, as you can guess from my last blog...I went to Aoyama to check Mineko(a Toastmaster's officer, who owns a stole shop)'s shop.

Also, I stopped by Shinjuku Odakyu department store to make some errands.
I felt WEIRD some of my familiar sections, I saw many business MEN. In the hair accessory section, in L'occitane cosmetic shop, in the scarf section...usually, I don't see any guys in those places. But yesterday, they were just there, talking & consulting with clerks which ones were good. Then, I saw the blue pop sign. "These are the BEST White Day's gifts!!"

I see! That's why!! But I was wondering, how come they were buying such expensive fancy gifts for their (I assume) female co-workers?? At the hair accessory section, one guy chose a ribbon-shaped hair accessory with pearls & glitters as a clerk recommended. He said, "OK, I'll take EIGHT of those. Please wrap them each." The accessory was 8,000yen! 8,000×8=64,000yen for just ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS of Valentine's Day!
I've NEVER got such a fancy return gift from my male co-workers on White Day!!

My hubby got home almost around midnight last night because of his job.
When I told the scene I saw at a department store, he said, "Maybe they bought such fancy goods not for their co-workers, but for bar hostesses or someone. It's not my business... Oh my god! I forgot to buy a gift to YOU!!"
But I didn't make a fuss about it.
"You're FINE! I already HAVE a gift from you! Here it is! A beautiful stole from Mineko's shop! Thank you very much!!"
...In the case of my hubby, he almost never have to worry about which gift is the best for his wife...I choose!

Friday, March 12, 2010


After I got home from work, I opened my computer.
Then...I received the e-mail which I had been waiting for!!
That was from Mineko, a Toastmaster's officer, who is a president of an apparel company.
She owns this shop, a stole shop!
She said she would have a big sale. I was offered much better price than the Website!
I've been wondering which one would be good, but I can't decide!
So, I'll go to her shop to "look through them." I should go to bed soon!
See you tomorrow!!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Self Investment

This afternoon, I was in the headquarters of Nikkei (Nihon Keizai Newspaper) in Otemachi.
I attended a seminar. The title is "Discover your real English ability. The subtitle is "You can get to understand English news articles EFFORTLESS." ...Why didn't I go???

I've subscribed to two English newspapers. Although they are weekly papers, I don't catch up the recent issues, lately. Right now, the issue I read is one-month ago's!
I know my problem. When I read English articles, I just "read through" and leave nothing on my mind, unless I'm very interested in the article. I also know that is the main culprit why I haven't passed the first grade of EIKEN & why I don't understand English speeches sometimes.

In the seminar, the instructor taught us "three way system to read English."
He used three colors to analyze English sentences.
Red; traditional five sentence patterns of English
Green; Modification for verbs
Blue; Modification for nouns
He said any long English sentences can be analyzed by those three patterns.
Yes, he is right... I explain the same thing to my students, but his theory was very simple and easier to understand.

After the rewarding seminar, he advertised his English classes to learn his "three way system" more specifically. I felt like I would like to take his classes....BUT.
Since I came back to Japan, I'm very careful about "investing in English education" because I had already "invested" for it a lot when I was in America!
Maybe, his class was not a bad investment. One class (one and a half hour long) is 4,000 yen. The class is small, just 5-10 students. However, I should take the "course," so it would be 50,000yen for 3 months. If I can shell out 50,000yen...I can "invest for myself" by getting a new cool suit!
All the time I find "likely good" English classes, I ask myself, "can I do that by myself? Probably I can!" ...So, I haven't invested in my English improvement for awhile.

...I know it's not a good sign...but when I think, "ultimate choice" between "invest in English learning" and "invest in my beauty(I mean, hair saloon, eyelash saloon, clothes, shoes...etc)," I've felt like, "surely, beauty comes first!"
I know, I know, I'm a stupid girl...

Royal Customers

The language school I work for is a major nationwide school.
It has been 37 years since the school founded. At my school branch, there are many students who have been studying with us over ten years. I think there are three types of the "royal customers."

1. Royal Followers
Most of them are senior students. They don't care if their teachers change, they don't even look at the tuition figure when we ask them to renew their classes. They always says, "Yes, it's fine to me" to our suggestions. For them, the location of our school and the familiarity are the important criteria. So, they don't explore new English schools, and keep coming to our classes.

2. Royal Families
Of course I don't talk about "the Japanese" royal family!
Here, "royal families" means the all members of the families are our students.
In most cases, education-conscious mothers who brought their kids to our school, started to learn English at our school as well, and the mothers recommended us to their husbands. They bring souvenirs after they take vacation. Some of the mothers copy the kids' school schedule to us. Each day from Monday to Saturday, "someone from the family" are at our school.

3. Royal...CLAIMANTS.
Mostly, they are businessmen. They are difficult, always complaining about textbooks, about self-study materials, about class schedule... It's not easy to talk with them, but anyway, they keep coming to our school.

When I ask my students to renew my classes, type 1 and 2 students are easy because I know they sign the renewal contracts without any doubts.
However, type 3 students....I know they will sign up, but I should be careful not to be unguarded.
I should be well-prepared to satisfy all of his complaints.

My student, Masaaki is one of them. Actually, I thought he is not going to sign up for the renewal. Because our new head teacher made a mistake when he explained Masaaki's renewal, and Masaaki's TOEIC score hadn't improved lately.
I "believed" it was not all of my fault. I tried to suggest some ways of studying to him, but he always "believed" he couldn't do that, he didn't like that, etc. He is just...difficult!

However, today, he signed up the renewal, finally. Because he likes the textbook I recommended, ans he knew yesterday that he got the best score of TOEIC!
I was relieved. I was relieved not to lose one of my "royal" students. At the same time, I was terrified I should be "royal" to him after awhile... Bless me!!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Ellen DeGeneres

Every spring, I'm engrossed in a reality TV show,"American Idol."
However, this question occurred to me & many Americans. A new judge has decided.
She is Ellen DeGeneres!

Ellen DeGeneres is an American famous comedienne & TV hostess.
I always watched her show, "Ellen DeGeneres Show" when I was in America, and I truly enjoyed two major shows "Academy Awards" and "Emmy Awards" when she was an emcee.
BUT American Idol's other judges are "authorities" of American MUSIC field... What does she know about music?

Today, I watched her first appearance of the show.
She said,"Many people have asked me, "what do you know about music?" I'm gonna say, "I know much about performance." I know how not to make the audience bored, and that is really difficult."
Yes, she knows! Today, many contestants auditioned in a group, and judges told them who passed and who failed. The judges said, "Meagan, step forward. Jim, step forward. People in the back line, go back to your home." etc. Sometimes front line people passed, but sometimes back line people passed. So, they were horrified which line they would be.

When Ellen announced the result for a group, she said,
"Jennifer, step forward. Oh, I mistook. Back, Jeniffer. Mark, step forward. Andrew, step forward. Erica, move the left. Jeniffer, step forward again. Mark, move the right."
...??? What's going on here?? Who is going to pass??? I had no idea what Ellen will say, but she said, "Everyone passes!!!"
I burst into laughing!

I don't remember how many times I "burst into laughing" while I was watching the show. Although Ellen's judgement has been controversy in America, I remembered how I enjoyed her talk. She made the contestants relaxed, I thought that is a good thing to everybody.

By the way, I think Ellen is the most famous "lesbian" in the world.
Coincidentally, right now, my favorite tune is "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry.
This is the song about "lesbian" world... AM I crazy???

Language Torture

Today was the day of a biannual party of my condo's French circle.
The circle's members are only less than ten. Very small group, but very international people. Most of them have lived in France, or used French at their work.

For example, Monsieur I, who is the oldest one in our circle, (he is in his late-70's) had lived in France for...almost ten years because of his job. Today, he brought his wife and his two daughters. All of them spoke perfect French with our French teacher!
The older daughter said she had been in Paris and New York due to her job, and the younger one said she just came back from Washington D.C where she transferred.
What an international family!!

Among them...Akemi (my only classmate of beginner class) and I are exceptions.
We haven't lived in France, and our French are like...maybe worse than French babies.
Today, our French teacher, Nicole, assigned us homework. Our homework was "being French waiters," like saying, "Qu'est-ce que vous buvez?(What do you drink?)"
But I hadn't prepared enough, and Akemi was late & skipped the presentation part!

"The presentation of homework time" started.
Other members started to talk about themselves in French.
Why they study French, where they lived in France...
When my turn came, I said, "ME? Ah...Voila, des jus de pomme. Du jus d'orange, du vin, du the... Buvons! (Here is apple juice, orange juice, wine, tea... Drink!)"
Everybody laughed at me, but I didn't care. I just wanted to finish! I just wanted them not to listen to my poor French!
However, Nicole is a persistent teacher. She didn't laugh at all, and said,
"Keiko, say what you learned! Introduce all food of the table!"

So, I restarted to saying,
"Ah...Voila, une quiche faite par madame Komine. Voila, un gateau fait par madame Kurosawa.. Des sandwich faits par madame Iguchi..."
(Here is a quiche made by Mrs. Komine. Here is cake made by Mrs. Kurosawa, sandwich made by Mrs. Iguchi...)
While I was speaking, it was embarrassing for me to be corrected "du, de, von,etc," French similar sounds.

I know it is VERY good learning for me, but it was like LANGUAGE TORTURE!
I love the Toastmasters Club, which is an English speech club. But I just imagine, for those people who don't speak English often, our activities could be "torture."
I'm looking forward to the time when the French presentation time will be my "pleasure," not my "torture!!"

Friday, March 05, 2010

My favorite American brands

Since yesterday, I've felt like talking about fashion.
Speaking of America...

1. Coach
Since I went to America, this brand has been getting very popular in Japan. It was nice to get the purses at less than half price in Japan, but to me, it was more worth to take her (the brand's) shoes and sunglasses. The brand's wide range of the shoe size (My size is 5 or 5 1/ was quite smaller than other Americans), their availability & cute, universal design helped me a lot.
When I drove, the sunglasses were "must-have" item. Then, the cute, gorgeous sunglasses made me happier even though I didn't want to drive.

2. Kate Spade
Last Christmas, my hubby asked me,
"Most of my co-workers' kids want DS as a Christmas present. Do you want a DS?"
I was quite sure, "You know the answer! I don't need a DS. What I need is a KS!!"
...Anyway, it was quite cheaper to get the brand on line, in America.
Especially in summer, her baskets always made me excited.

It was hard for me to find the clothes which I felt "chemistry" when I was in America.
Basically, I don't feel anything for American casual fashion brands, like Abercrombie & Fitch, Holister, or American Eagle. I tried some, but we were like "friends who tried to connect with, but didn't work well." Also, I always checked Banana Republic or H&M, but I also didn't "click" to them. It was like..."I know he (the brand) is popular, but he's not my type."

However, just before I went back to Japan, I finally found an American fashion brand which I completely "click." It was...

3. Betsey Johnson
If you step into the shop, you may think,
"What's the hell going on here? Can you wear those clothes? Crazy!"
Yeah, I know... the design of this brand is sometimes so unique that I can't even stop laughing.
But some of her dresses have very cute flower prints. Not so childish, but distinguish.
I love her world. The designer, Betsy Johnson! She often appears the brand's website, and her "no-boundary" fashion & thinking way...I just can't stop laughing, again...:)
She is like, "very unique & talented friend."

If I go to America again, I'm looking forward to seeing my "old friends!!"

My favorite brands

When I shop clothes, I talk to her(the clothes) secretly, in my mind(surely!)
"Do I love you(the clothes)? Do you love me?"

"Do I love you?" means, "Can I keep loving you for a long time, not only "one season stand?""
"Can I feel excitement for you, every time we are together?"

"Do you love me?" means, "Can you make me look attractive? Does your color make my face color brilliant? Does your shape make my figure pretty?(hopefully!)" "Can you make me appropriate but exclusive with you?(just my personal view!)"

When the clothes says (just my imagination) "YES!!" and when I feel chemistry (I would exaggerate!)between us, I would buy the clothes. To me, it is not important to ask "Does everyone like you?" or "Do you fit in any clothes?" or "Are you trendy?"
I know my fashion sense is not perfect AT ALL. But because I love clothes, I remember everything based on "what I wore that day." It means...clothes are so related to my life.

I don't like trendy "fast fashion" brands very much because they tend to be "one season stand" to me. I prefer traditional department store brands, so I just check some of my favorite brands when I buy clothes. Now spring has come, so I just wanted to list up my favorite fashion brands here.

I have been a fan of this brand for...almost 10 years ago. They are not too expensive, not too cheap, and feminine, but not old-fashioned. However, lately, our relationship became too cozy because of our long time close link... So, I don't feel much excitement for her(the brand,) but sometimes I want to go back to her.

I thought..."oh, she is out of my field!" before because she is too elegant and expensive for me.
It has been my one-way love(It means, I haven't bought any clothes of this brand so far,) but I think her "tweed suits" are really cute. So...someday!

3. Nara Camicie
I need to wear a suit when I work, so her feminine blouses give me a boost.

4. Paul & Joe sister
Basically, they are too cute & young for me( they look like "Mori girl" clothes sometimes,) but I can find unique dresses in this brand shops sometimes. Her dresses are not too feminine, not too classy, but very cute. However, unfortunately? I can find those a few times a year.

5. Burbery Blue Label
Like Paul&Joe sister, I don't feel chemistry between us often. Basically, she is too young for me. However, because the original brand is so reliable fashion brand, her coats are like "all-around girls."

Who is going to be my "date" this season? I'm looking forward to!!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Three-year-old autonomous learner

I forgot to mention one story about Mao, my three-year-old student who had my English lessons yesterday.

In the lesson, they learned those phrases.
Q: Do you like green peppers(tomatoes, carrots, etc)?
A: Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

When I asked "Do you like chicken?" to Mao, she said, "No,I don't."
I thought every child loves chicken, so after the class, I told her.
"Mao, I didn't know you don't like chicken! That was unexpected to me!"
Then she said, "I like chicken, actually. But we said "Yes, I do!" many times in the class, so I thought I should practice to say, "No, I don't." That's why I said so."

...Can you believe that is said by three-year-old!??
I always thought she has an awareness of "studying" in my English class, although other students of her age think English class is "playing."
But when she said that to me, I completely noticed she is an AUTONOMOUS learner even though she is a very young child.
That is...treasure for her! I should grow her virtue!!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Endless Lesson

Today was a busy day.
I went to... an eyelash saloon(Kichijoji)→work(Mejiro)→dermatologist(Hiroo)→Toastmasters' meeting(Omotesando.)

My today's job was not regular lessons. Because there were many national holidays on Monday, I arrange make-up lessons of Monday classes on other days.
Today, I had two three-year-old classes. The kids in the class are, I would say, the most adorable kids in the world!

Mao, is like Asada Mao, a popular figure skater. She is loved by everyone! She is cute, fashionable(she always wears Burbery's clothes. Oh, not only clothes! But also, boots, bags, and even her tights are Burbery's!!) When she enters our school, she says,"hello!" to everyone with a big smile & clear loud voice. I talk to her, "Hello, Mao! How are you?" She smiles back to me again, saying, "I'm HAPPY!!"

Taku has a long history of struggling to enter the classroom. But now, his enthusiasm for studying English surpasses even Mao! After he says "Hello," he opens his workbook to show me how he has been working hard for a week.

Nozomi just started to come to my class a month ago. She has a craggy beautiful face. She is very quiet. But her mother is fluent in English, so she can speak in English with a shy feeling.
When she says, "I'm fine, thanks. How are you?" She doesn't move her craggy face at all, even her eyebrows. But she says she enjoys coming to my class.

Today, we had two 50-minute-long lessons. 50 minutes for studying English × 2!!
Some adults can't stand that, but three three-year-old kids did a wonderful job.
Because they are REALLY good kids(if the mother's child raising is good, the kid is good in an English class!), they repeated vocabulary with good energy, sing songs very well, recognize alphabet words and sounds, and their writings were also great.

At the beginning of the second class, they asked me,
"Why do we have two classes today?"
I didn't explain about make-up lessons, because surely they can't understand the system!
So I said,"Because I LOVE you very much! So, I thought I want to be with you more and have fun in English!"
They said,"I see!" and the second class was also very successful.

At the end of the second class, they said.
"Why don't we start the THIRD class!?"
...Please forgive me!!!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Naughty & Lovely

Once I mentioned my 4-5 year old kid class was like a ZOO, last year.
This year, I would 7 year old kid class is like a BATTLEFIELD.
There are one boy and five girls in this class. They are always incredibly energetic...I'm sure I consume the maximum calories in this class!!

When they come to school, I say, "Hello! How are you?" with a kind-teacher-like smile.
But they answered, "I'm NOT fine!!" or "I don't know!"
I checked their homework before the class because there are so many kids in the class that I don't have enough time to check their homework during the class.
Then, their competition already starts.
"My writing is funnier!""No, mine is the funniest!!"
...They write their English very vertically, or too horizontally, or too slanted.

Once they enter the classroom, they try to hide themselves under chairs in the last row.
I say, "Come closer!" Then, they dash to me and start to hug me. "No! Stay away from me!" I shout, and they say, "You said, "come closer! So, we come!"

I let the kids repeat today's vocabulary with gestures.
"Persimmon, persimmon, persimmon!"
First, they say it with a very very small voice.
I say, "Louder!"
Then, they say, "PERSIMMOOOOOOON!!!" with a full volume,piercing voice.

Sometimes they even don't speak at all.
I say,"Repeat after me!! Then, they starts to pull my pendant, hair accessary, belt, or shoes.
"If you give it to us, we'll repeat after you!!"
...Aren't they really kids???

Everything goes on like this.
They are in the age when they want to the completely opposite thing from their mothers or teachers???
Today, one girl shouted, "I feel like LEWD!!!"
I ignored that, because if I say, "Don't say that!" It becomes their favorite word!!
(Where did she learn the word???)

I always become like a strict hysteric mom in the class, shouting all the time...
But at the end of the class, when I let the kids write today's key sentences, I can't stop smiling.
Some of them are writing this beside the English text sentences.
"I love you, Keiko! I'll do my best to learn English!!"

...Even though they become naughtier and more energetic, I can't stop thinking about the lovely kids.

Monday, March 01, 2010


I don't get irritated often, but when THEY appear, I always become VERY uncomfortable and I can't hide my irritation.

THEY are...rash. Since I started to go to hospital, sometimes they appear.
This year, they seemed to disappear, so I thought I could say "good-bye" to them.
But...they didn't beak up with me. After I had a cold & started to take cold medicine, they came back!! The rash look gross and are VERY itchy, so they easily become my OBSTACLE to have effective life or study for myself., I've heard A TONS of stories about "getting over obstacles."
From Olympic athletes, from speakers of the Toastmasters International Final Speech Contest( I watched the VCR today, ) and even contestants of American Idol.
Their obstacles are sometimes sickness, accidents, physical handicaps or financial problems.
They sounded like...more serious than my "rush" issue? Sure they did!!

I HATE seeing the RED AMOEBAS on my body, especially on my face.
B.U.T, I should overcome this, making strategies...that's the life!
First, should I change all of my bedclothes to eliminate ticks completely??
That will be another obstacle..."financial problem," though...