Today was the day of a biannual party of my condo's French circle.
The circle's members are only less than ten. Very small group, but very international people. Most of them have lived in France, or used French at their work.
For example, Monsieur I, who is the oldest one in our circle, (he is in his late-70's) had lived in France for...almost ten years because of his job. Today, he brought his wife and his two daughters. All of them spoke perfect French with our French teacher!
The older daughter said she had been in Paris and New York due to her job, and the younger one said she just came back from Washington D.C where she transferred.
What an international family!!
Among them...Akemi (my only classmate of beginner class) and I are exceptions.
We haven't lived in France, and our French are like...maybe worse than French babies.
Today, our French teacher, Nicole, assigned us homework. Our homework was "being French waiters," like saying, "Qu'est-ce que vous buvez?(What do you drink?)"
But I hadn't prepared enough, and Akemi was late & skipped the presentation part!
"The presentation of homework time" started.
Other members started to talk about themselves in French.
Why they study French, where they lived in France...
When my turn came, I said, "ME? Ah...Voila, des jus de pomme. Du jus d'orange, du vin, du the... Buvons! (Here is apple juice, orange juice, wine, tea... Drink!)"
Everybody laughed at me, but I didn't care. I just wanted to finish! I just wanted them not to listen to my poor French!
However, Nicole is a persistent teacher. She didn't laugh at all, and said,
"Keiko, say what you learned! Introduce all food of the table!"
So, I restarted to saying,
"Ah...Voila, une quiche faite par madame Komine. Voila, un gateau fait par madame Kurosawa.. Des sandwich faits par madame Iguchi..."
(Here is a quiche made by Mrs. Komine. Here is cake made by Mrs. Kurosawa, sandwich made by Mrs. Iguchi...)
While I was speaking, it was embarrassing for me to be corrected "du, de, von,etc," French similar sounds.
I know it is VERY good learning for me, but it was like LANGUAGE TORTURE!
I love the Toastmasters Club, which is an English speech club. But I just imagine, for those people who don't speak English often, our activities could be "torture."
I'm looking forward to the time when the French presentation time will be my "pleasure," not my "torture!!"
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