Saturday, March 20, 2010

Catch it, feel it, and keep having it

Last night, my hubby and I drove (actually, HE drove) for four hours to visit my parents-in-law's house.
Today, we drove around neighborhood, enjoying the nice weather.

In a car, we listened to FM Tokyo (here, FM Nagoya?) The problem was Cosmo Pops Best ten.
The DJ, Filiz was bilingual. Among many so-called bilingual people...she was AUTHENTIC.
She did not only speak in English and Japanese, she communicated with guest artists in perfect English, and translated what they said into very beautiful Japanese. Also, they sounded REALLY natural & spontaneous.

She is completely my ideal vision.
I should be motivated more and more & make ULTIMATE effort to be like her... But recently, I just sit back & relaxed.
I think people can make their dreams come true are not just hardworking or lucky.
If I can catch such a perfect vision for me (like Filiz,) feel my desire desperately, and keep having the vision, I'm supposed to be able to keep making effort to "become" the vision. That is competence of making dreams come true!
I can catch it & feel it, but it's hard for me (and for many people, I guess) to "keep having it."
How can I do that? BUT, if I have such a competence, I think I even don't have time to wander it!

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