Friday, October 29, 2010


...Do you have frightening dreams sometimes at night? ...I do.
I don't know why, but one of the symbols of those dreams to me was...F.I.S.H. Fish.

According to a dictionary, FISH is "an animal that lives in water, and uses its fins and tails to swim." Definition No2 is, "the flesh of a FISH used as food."
Yes, that FISH...

I don't have any bad memories about them in my real life.
I have gone fishing (definition #1) when I was a kid, I like to eat "definition #2" of FISH.
However, when I have a nightmare, they often scared me very much in my dreams.

Recently, I had kept having the kind of nightmares for a few nights, and I had a hard time to sleep well.
One night, in my dream, my hubby threw out fish of a big bucket on the floor.
The floor was covered with muddy water, and a lot of gross black fish.
I screamed to my hubby, "this is your fault! Clear them up!!"
But he didn't listen to me, so I raised my voice louder.
"TOOOOOM!!! (my hubby's name) YOU ARE BAD!!! YOU ARE A BAD BOY!! CLEAR THE FISH UP!!!"
...Then, my hubby whispered by a small voice.
"Clear...what?? I was sleeping!"

I screamed the sentence with capital letters, not in a dream, but in a real life.
My hubby was completely woken up, even though he didn't have any faults in his real life.
"Are you teasing me? YOU ARE A BAD GIRL!!" he complained, and tried to sleep again.

The next night, my hubby went to bed, saying, "don't yell at me tonight!"
While sleeping, he was woken up again, not because of "my" screaming, but...himself's screaming.
"AHHHHHH! What's this!? I'm wetting!!"
...I always put a glass of water on the top of a bed stand. At the night, when he was sleeping, my hubby came closed to my bed (we have two connected queen-sized beds) and unconsciously, slapped my glass!
So, the glass fell down to my hubby...then the content was spread over him and his favorite Futon!!

"What's this!? Is it tea!? Oh my God, it will remain a stain here... You shouldn't put a glass on a bed stand! You know I toss & turn while sleeping!!"
At 3:30 at night, we were busy to get rid of the stain from his favorite Futon and our sheets.
Then he said, "Now I get what YOUR nightmare predicted!! YOU are the one who made a mess by throwing water out! Not me! Not FISH!!"
I laughed, "Well, actually, you are the one who made a mess! I was the one who put a glass of water near you, though!"
Like me in my nightmare...

I don't know why, but since that night, the fishy FISH hasn't appeared in my dream.
My hubby might have saved me by getting wet in our real life instead of me, like a nightmare??
Anyway, now I'm relieved!!

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