Friday, September 22, 2006


When you live in a foreign country, you would experience more impressive & exciting things than you do in your original country. But then, you would encounter more frustrating happenings.

Recently, we have had some housing problems needing to be fixed because it's been three years since we started to live in this home. Some technicians and a plumber have come back and forth to my house. Last week, after the plumber replaced a faucet, my hubby found it was leaking. Therefore, I called the plumber, and asked him to come to my house again. This morning, he came.

HOWEVER!!! His attitude was very, very bad. He was sulky, and said nothing.
I said," Right now, it's OK. However, it has been leaking..."
He spoke loudly,"It's OK? Today!?" He seemed to say," What are you talking about!? I didn't think I had to come here again!"
Because I noticed he was mad, I muttered."I,i,i..t was."
"Huh!?" Again, with a LOUD threatening voice...
I was annoyed by his attitude, and replied, " I woke up just a minite ago. I don't check the faucet all the time. So, I don't know exactly whether it is leaking or not right now, But, it was. Would you check it and set the water filtration system on the faucet again?"
Still, he said nothing, and stood in front of the faucet like to confirm if the leaking ploblem was true or not.
I wanted to say,"What is YOUR problem!? Fix it!! It's your job!!" But, I didn't..Beceuse he was a very tall, big guy like a football player, and we were ALONE in an enclosed space... If I made him very mad, I couldn't beat him!!!
Finally, he started to work. He added a packing in the faucet to prevent it from leaking again. DO IT WITHOUT COMPLAINING!!! I said to myself.

I know, I know, sometimes it happens... I think most American people are more friendly than many Japanese, but I don't know why some people are very impolite. Of course I met impolite Japanese, like a taxi driver or a courier... However, basically, most Japanese, especially business people, are polite.
Whenever I meet such an impolite person here, I feel VERY frustrated because my English is not perfect, so I can't argue with him/her at their speed!
To make the thing worse, such an impolite person wants to insult my Asian accent and imperfect English. Also, when I get nervous, I can't speak in English as usual.
However, I have always tried to tell them what made me unconfortable.

Two years ago, a dentist rescheduled my appointment (the same one) FOUR times because of meetings, or his family matters. His secretary didn't even say," I am sorry." When I met him finally, I said to him. " My time is valuable as yours. I don't want to see a dentist who underestimates his patients anymore. So long."
Last summer, when my parents visited here, my mother had her birthday. I had ordered a birthday ornament which was made of balloons and flowers at a famous balloon shop. They were supposed to deliver it on her birtyday morning, so I was very excited... But, they didn't come! They didn't even make my mom's ornament!!
I called them, and said, "This is my mom's first, and may be the last birthday when she is in the U.S! You ruined my mom's birthday! I will never ask you to make one again!!"

I have more frustrating stories, but I should stop it. In today's case, my house owner recommended the plumber to me. So after he left my home, I sent an e-mail to the owner.

You said he was "dependable," but regretfully, I am doubtful about that. When he came to my home today, his attitude was very, very bad. He seemed not to believe the leaking. When he left my home, he said " I am sorry for the inconvenience." like a normal business person. However, I was very uncomfortable about his first attidude. Because a plumber comes to my home when I am alone, I want to have someone who is polite. He doesn't have to be very polite, but I just don't want to feel I might be in danger. Please understand. I don't know when I need to call a plumber next time, but at that time, I need another one.

The owner replied to me soon. "Sorry, he must have been having a bad or a busy day."
I replied again, " Maybe. But, he shouldn't show his childish temper to his customers. He is not the only plumber in this town. If he is the only one you work with, I will find another plumber."

One of the reasons why I want to improve English is I WANT TO BE ASSERTIVE! I don't want them to be insulting!! However, when I told my hubby about this story, he said, "It's scarely! YOU ARE freaking me out... YOU ARE an insulting American!!" Wouldn't you worry about me!?

1 comment:

keiko said...

Liz, thank you!
You freaks out when plumbers come even though you are not alone in your house? Oh, you are cute! かわいい!! (I'm wondering...your computer can recognize Japanese?) I think I was a shy girl like you at your age...but, the more I get old, the less I get shy... It's easier to live, you know!
By the way, have you recieved my e-mail about Osamu Tezuka and Hayao Miyazaki? Good luck for your book report!!!