Friday, September 01, 2006

Ideal Voice

FORGIVE ME!! I never think I am a good painter. My hubby is always TEASING me how my pictures are CREATIVE... But today, I'd like to share my painting to you! Can you guess what I drew about? I know you never know... Actually, I drew about the image of "my ideal voice."

Yesterday, in the Voice for the Actor class, Stacie gave us a white paper and colorful markers. She said, " Let's draw the image of your ideal voice, and share your pictures in the class! This is helpful for you to fugure out what's your goal, and I'd like to know what is your ideal voice!" Then, mine is.. this one. Speaking of "the ideal voice," I immediately imagined fireworks. This image is based on fireworks.
The green bottom is my healthy body. I can't make my "fireworks" sparkled unless my body is healthy. Above that, small dots are my vocal cords & breathing. I can't light the fireworks unless I know the theories of vocalization. At the top of the papar, can you see small horizontal lines? These are audience. Listeners. Colorful vertical lines are actual my voice. I hope my voice could be sometimes energetic, or sometimes persuasive to the audience. So, I drew them with colorful pens. The thickest pink line of my voice lines? That is my "CORE." My ideal voice should have a stable, strong core.

After we shared "our image of ideal voice," we started to act for the first time!
We divided into five groups. One group had 4-5 students. We acted the "Three Little Pigs" story. I explain it shortly: There was a man and three pigs. The first pig asked the man to give him straw to build a house. The first pig made a house of straw very quickly. The second pig asked the man to give him sticks. The second pig built a house of sticks. The third pig asked the man to give him bricks. The third pig built a house of bricks. One day, a wolf came to those houses. He destroyed the first pig's & the second pig's house. However, he couldn't destroy the third one's house.. so he tried to come into the house from the chemney, but those pigs burned the wolf!
Therefore, the three pigs lived happily ever after.

We acted the story WITHOUT WORDS. Just with vocalization and gestures.
Me? I was the THIRD PIG... While I was watching everyone's acting, I was amazed! Almost half of them did it like real actors! Among them, one girl was outstanding.
Her roles were the man and the wolf. Most girls avoided doing those, but she acted the two roles! Bisides, her acting seemed perfect to me. As the man, I could see even the man's character through her acting. Maybe he was a kind of "red neck," and he was a miser..She looked like.. a man!! When she was acting the wolf, she crawled on her hands and knees, jumped up to the boxes in the studio, and jumped down from there!

In this class, most of classmates" majors are theater. So, I have imagined someone would be famous as an actor. Yesterday, I thought she might become famous in the future! Her acting was marvelous!! However, she may not become a "stereotype blond beauty" actress because she WAS a MAN or a WOLF for me...

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