Monday, September 11, 2006

The Right To Speak

Last Wednesday, five minutes after "the Voice for the Actor" class started, one girl came into the studio being late. She had never been late for this class. She always looked cheerful, but at that day, she looked pale. When Stacie turned off the light, everybody lay down in a mat to be ready to stretch except for...her. She was next to me. I looked up her, then she said. " My cell phone is on. My daughter is sick, so in the case I need to go, my cell phone would ring." She has... a DAUGHTER!?
I have never imagined! I have never asked her age, but she is a sophomore. She also looks young, so I'm sure she is around 20. But...she has a child.
This day, I just realized some students may have special ( I don't know I can call it "special") circumstances.

By the way, this class's textbook is "The Right To Speak." (The photo!) The author is a British voice teacher. His principle is: Some people believed they have bad voice. However, I have never heard "bad voice!!" They just don't know how to make their voice effectively! Everybody has RIGHT to use their voice effectively to enjoy making speeches, singing, and acting!
In the class, we discussed about the textbook. I love his principle!

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