Friday, April 16, 2010


I had been using a white NEC desktop computer.
It did work, but very slowly, and didn't have enough capacity.
My hubby kept saying, "You should buy new one! What kind of computers would you like?"
My priority was very clear. "A PINK one!" He wondered, "...and???" My answer was quick. "That's all!" But I added. "I want a SONY, pink VAIO. No other computers!"

Have you ever watched an American reality show, "Girls next door??"
When I was in America, I always watched it. The show is about daily life of Hugh Hefner, a founder of Playboy magazine. Even though he is in his 80's, he lives with his three young girl friends in a gorgeous mansion. The girls are models of Playboy magazine. Does it sound very lewd? But actually, the show was very funny! The three "Hef's girl friends" were very famous and popular. Even some little girls said, "I want to be like them in the future!"
I thought America is a VERY interesting country. In some aspects, they're really conservative.
In another aspects, some people are VERY...liberal???

Anyway, almost four years ago, a girl of Hef's girlfriends, Brigitte, got a PINK VAIO as a birthday present from Hefner. It was my first time I "fell in love" with a computer thing!
Since then, I had thought, "if I have a new PC, I'll take the PINK VAIO!"

Last August, after three years since I "had a crush" on the PINK VAIO, I finally got the one!
The VAIO looks like this.
This is the new version, but the color is the same as me.
Not vivid pink, but not pale one. The pink exactly was my "type" of pink tone!

I really enjoyed having the PINK VAIO. But a week ago, it started "snoring."
Yes, exactly, it sounded "snore." The difference from "human being's snore" was, my PINK VAIO snored when she was working. So, I had the VAIO repaired.

Yesterday, my PINK VAIO came back tome from a repair center.
The clerk said, " The reason of the sound was dust. Dust can easily accumulate in a computer, through a vent. You should clean the ventilator up regularly, at least once a month."
...Clean up the ventilator??? I had never done it with my ex, I mean, NEC computer, but it didn't break at all!!
Isn't it weird!?? It has been less than one year since I got the PINK VAIO!!

Not only beautiful girls, but also beautiful COMPUTERS have thorns like roses???
By the way, in the reality TV show, "Girls next door," all of the three Hef's girlfriends in 2006 (When I watched the show,) left Hef's mansion. Now, another three models became his new girlfriends, and the show has still been on air. ... I hope my beautiful PINK VAIO will not leave me again!!

I would like to keep my blog again since my girlfriend(PINK VAIO) came back to me!!

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