Last week, a curriculum coordinator from the head quarters came to our school branch, and said to me.
"Keiko sensei, do you have 10 or 15 minutes after your classes? I need to talk with you."
The curriculum coordinator, Hideki, is an experienced teacher. He usually works at the head quarters, but sometimes he comes to our school branch to train our new chief teacher.
I was wondering, why he wanted to talk with me.
"Because I wear too much glitters or spangles? Am I violating our school's dress code??
Or, did he find my English mistakes while I'm talking with my students in English? Other Japanese teachers at my branch are so Americans...I mean, they sound comfortable speaking English more than speaking Japanese! I should be careful..."
I only thought, "what he is going to WARN me."
But, his business was unexpected.
"Keiko sensei, have you ever thought being a chief teacher?"
"ME!? ...never."
We have one chief teacher at every school branch, and they are full-time Japanese teachers.
I had no idea what he was talking about, but he started to talk about more unrealistic thing to me.
"Keiko sensei, we want you to be a chief teacher. I can't say from when or which school branch right now, but if you accept our offer, we'll make a position for you."
"What!? ME!? Why me!? I'm just a part-time teacher!"
"Yeah, I know. And even not every full-time teacher can become a chief teacher. Those who are only eligible & adequate teachers can be. I just think...I've been watching how you work for us for several months, and I thought you are SO adequate for a chief teacher. Your performance is REALLY good!"
....I was very surprised, but I felt so honored that I almost started to crying. ( I didn't!)
I am a part-time teacher, but I've tried my best to be a professional.
I know I haven't experienced yet, but...Hideki, an experienced teacher who has an authority, recognized my performance, and offered a business chance!
But, I became cool soon.
"Hideki sensei, it was VERY honored for me to have such an excellent offer.
I know I can improve as a teacher if I become a chief teacher...but here is a thing.
I've been having a medical treatment. (I didn't say what kind of treatment) I have to see doctor regularly, it actually...takes time.
So, I can't become a full-timer right now, but, if the time comes...I mean, the time when situations allow me to get your offer...let me talk to you."
Hideki sensei smiled to me,
"I got it. Keiko sensei, please come to me anytime. Please keep it on your mind. We need you!"
I felt very happy that day, so I talked my hubby about that.
Also, I asked one question to him. Hideki said, "Your PERFORMANCE is really good."
I translated the word, "performance" into "how I communicate with my students." But, my understanding is true?
What did he actually mean, "performance?"
My hubby works in the human resource department, so I thought he knew the answer.
He smiled to me...
"You know what! Your performance is, this!"
Then, he started to sing,"Sentimental journey"(a jazz song,) and move awkwardly.
"...Honey, that is MUSICAL performance what I did at the Lafayette Musical Group when I was in America!"
I sang the song & danced VERY awkwardly in front of many professional musicians at that time.
Once. he watched the video coincidentally, and burst into laughing, saying, "Is this your COMEDY show!? That's hilarious!!" ...Since then, he sometimes makes fun of me about that.
...My hubby is from Kansai area, where people think "laughter is greater." I hardly every get a serious answer when I ask him a question...
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