Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Rash" Hour

Since two months ago, I have kept...them.
When they are quiet, they look like pink dots. When they are active, they are like red amoebas!
"They" are...RASH!

I know the reason.
Two months ago, I underwent a surgery. It was easy one, though, I took antibiotics to prevent infectious disease. Then, I got nettle rash whole my body as an adverse effect!

I went to a local physician, but he seemed having no idea why antibiotics had stayed in my body so long time. He prescribed steroids, but my French teacher opposed that.
She said, "No steroids! Steroids can make your symptoms calm. But after you stopped taking them, your rash becomes worse!!"

She recommended me to a dermatologist in Hiroo.
The dermatologist is a very beautiful woman. I guess she may be in her 50's, but her skin is...very REFINED!!!

She had me take a blood test to figure out what was the reason of the rash.
Today, I got the result!
The reasons were...surprisingly, house dusts and mites!!
The doctor said, "Antibiotic was trigger. But basically, you are allergic constitution.
Once you get rash, your skin are affected by house dusts and mites."
I was puzzled, "So, what should I do? Cleaning my house all the time??"
She smiled gracefully, " You can't root out all of the mites in your house. The place they likely live is futon. Get a nozzle for futon, and vacuum it often."

Oh! I thought I was a drama queen who had an adverse effect from a surgery...
But the problem now is not antibiotics, but house dusts and ticks!
Do I have to clean my house obsessively like Bree in desperate housewives?

I don't want to, but now, just enjoy having RASH HOUR...
Whenever I go to the dermatologist in Hiroo, I go to an Italian restaurant and have a delicious lunch and dessert!


Anonymous said...


keiko said...


ジンマシンでるたびに「私ってかわいそう」と思ってたんだけど、原因はダニだったんかよ!って感じよね(笑) 掃除嫌いだから、ある意味つらいわー(笑)
