Friday, December 25, 2009

Table for Two

Merry Christmas, again!

I was "knocked down" by flu on the last Christmas, so I'm HAPPY to be able to celebrate Christmas even though I've "kept" rash over my body!!

Because I worked until 9:30 pm last night, and my hubby is having the year-end party tonight, we had a home-made Chritstmas party on 23, alone.
I cooked all dishes & put my favorite clothes on (the venue was our house, though...)

My favorite dish was...the left one! Doom-shaped Sushi! I cut out peppers, cucumbers, hams, and cheese into the shape of flower. Then I placed them into a rice bowl, and put sushi rice into it. After I flipped it over on the is the "flower-doom" sushi!!

I think we had a "recession version's home party." I used cheap ingredients to cook. And cake, as well! The Christmas cake was, actually from our condo's real estate agent. We got it by sweepstakes! This cake was very interesting. In the box, there were many small roll cakes, a ribbon, and Christmas ornaments.
Yes! The cake is for self-decoration!
I used whipped cream, raspberry, blueberry, and added more edible ornaments.

The finish was... here it is!! I attached the "front" photo and the "back" photo.
(I'm sorry! I couldn't change the angle of these photos... I'll change them later!!) What do you think? This is apparently, "the recession version's Christmas cake!"
It's almost free for us!!

We enjoyed the Christmas dinner. Although it was "table for two" as well as usual...

Wait a minute! The cake is really "for two!??"
In our condo, many families have kids. Therefore, the cake (the prize of condo's sweepstakes) was the "family" size. As you notice, we've still been eating the cake...

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