Thursday, February 04, 2010

Confrontation of PHOBIAS

Today, I deliberately confronted two of my phobias.

1. Sea animals...
I don't know why! But since I was a kid, I've sometimes had a bad dream.
In the dream, there are many fish...not cute tropical fish, but deep-sea fish like angler the bathtub of my bathroom. I'm terrified, but "I have to get in." So, I try to put my feet in, still trembling...
Then, I always wake up, sweating.

I don't have any bad memory of fish! I think they are supposed to be cute, but...just, scary to me.

Anyway, how did I confont the phobia?
I went to watch "Oceans." Why did I pick the movie? I just need to see some SPECTACULAR view cause I haven't watched a movie at a theater for while!!

The documentary movie was...good. I saw stronger fish prey upon the weaker...
But actually, I brought my lunch in the movie theater, and the lunch was coincidentally...SUSHI.
I just felt like sushi, but you know...I watched "dog-eat-dog" world, no, in fact, "fish-eat-fish" world, eating FISH. Having watched the movie, I felt "every animal needs to fight to feed themselves." But I didn't fight at all, just "bought" the "feed."
Sorry! That was my impression of this movie...

2. (the other phobia) pointed stuff...
Whenever I see something pointed, like a skewer or a toothpick, I can't stop imagining the scene...the one sticks into my nose or eyes or somewhere!!
Yes, call me stupid! But I just...can't stop thinking about it.

How did I confront it?
I went to an acupuncture & moxibustion clinic today.
One of my admirable friends, Mina, recommended this clinic to me.
This clinic might be very good for me to change my allergic constitution, she said.

Moxibustion is good, I can endure the hotness. But acupuncture! They would stick "NEEDLES" into me!! However, I plucked up the courage to go there.

The impression... That's not so painful, as I imagined... But sometimes I felt pain when the acupuncturist stuck needles to specific parts, like my insteps or head.
Yes, head! I got NEEDLES ON MY HEAD!!

Anyway, I'm proud of myself that I challenged two phobias...
But I realized I have MORE. Not phobias, but BAD customs!!
1. The movie was so quiet that I can't stop DRIFTING OFF...
2. I was 5 minute LATE for the appointment of the acupuncture clinic!
Falling asleep or being late (always 5 minutes, though) when they are not appropriate are clearly my BAD CUSTOMS.
I should confront these sooner!!

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