Monday, January 26, 2009

Comfort Pillow

I took the first grade of the EIKEN today, but I was terrible.
Because of the continual neck pain, I was leaning forward (almost sleeping position), stretching, or leaning back during the test.
Maybe I was the top one on the black list for examiners...
My weak point is reading comprehension quiz. My neck hurt so much that I could understand them much much less than usual!!

When I got home, I was falling down on the floor because of the pain.
My hubby also lay down besides me, and said...
"I know what you need. Let's go shopping to get the one!"

"The one" is...a Tempur neck pillow!!
When we were in the U.S, my hubby got the one because of his neck pain.
I was quite healthy, so I was not interested in. However, recently, once I used my hubby's one as he recommended... I was so fascinated by the comfort!! It can completely support my curve of the neck, so I don't have to massage while I'm lying.

It was expensive as "just a pillow...." But I rely on it so much to bring back to my "normal" life. Please!!!


Anonymous said...


keiko said...

でも実際家で使ってみると、ちょっと高い(首の位置が)かも。。 ソファーがやわらかかったからかなー。
旦那のもMで、それもよかったので、っていうのもあるんだけど、旦那のは使い込んでるし。。 枕を買うときは、「ベットで」試寝?することを勧めるよ!!