Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Something to warm

The dress code of my office (school) is...basically, I should wear a suit. I like to wear a skirt, so my legs are supposed to be "exposed" the severely cold weather. In winter, boots and tights would protest girls' legs, but I shouldn't wear them at work.
So, I go out with natural-colored pantyhose and pumps usually. Then, I always feel chilly outside and even my classroom!

However, today, I got "something to warm" my legs!
I got cute leg warmers at a sale! Maybe, wearing leg warmers with a suit is not "cool" ( I mean, fashionable) but it's clearly "warmer" than before!!

Of course I shouldn't wear them with my students...but I will be with them when I commute, and prepare for classes in my classroom.
It will be the warmer winter this year, but still, it's cold.
Take care!!


Anonymous said...


keiko said...

うふふ、大好きなrebecca taylorのもので、グレー、ピンク、白と三色買いました。 どれも、下(足首部分)がレース付きで足首にかかる部分にカーブがかかっていて、すっごいかわいいの♪  通勤と休憩時間、家でも愛用しています!!

スカート大好きなんで、つい我慢してはいちゃうよー。 だから風邪ひきっぱなしなのかしら、、この冬は。。
