Wednesday, June 18, 2008


After the second day as an English teacher, I felt like..."I can't believe! I am still SURVIVING!!!"

Today, I had two adults' classes & three kids' classes.

I handled adults classes well. The students were working hard, very supportive, and listened to my advice. However, kids' students were... I felt like they were bullies!!

Four-year-old kids; Capricious. Sometimes they were adorable, but they became short-tempered soon... Six-year-kids;Rebellious. They want to assert what they want to do regardless my teaching points... Second grade students; Boastful. They want to show how they can understand English, so they ignore my teaching steps...

They said to me"I don't want to play this game! It's BORING!!"or "Emily ( the previous teacher) didn't do that! Do what Emily did!!" etc, etc...
I was like a SLAVE of them... Also, I was concerned about their "bosses" because I have heard some of their mothers(bosses) made some claims about our school...
I was like a very weak "bullied" child...

But don't worry! I was exaggerating☆  As I, who wants to be an "expert of communication," it is a great chance to mingle with different generations!!
Kids are very STRAIGHT to say "bitter" things, but they are really glad to be asked about themselves. When I asked them about their dreams, families, or friends, they couldn't stop talking.

By the way... The Open School Day is coming soon! Their "bosses" will come to our school two weeks later... Wow! before that, I should become their real "boss" in my classes... I signed...

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