Saturday, September 06, 2008

Coaching and Teaching

As a matter of fact, I have still been in...the dream world. I mean, "the Beijing Olympics" dream world.
It has been...two weeks? or three weeks? since it was over. However, I have still watched videos of Olympic athletes' special programs, and read some magazines about them.

Today, I watched the NHK special program of the Japanese swimming team coach, Mr. Hirai. He has been coaching Kousuke Kitamura and Reiko Nakamura.
Among five medals the Japanese swimming team got in this Olympics, Kitamura got three and Nakamuraya got one.
As you can know from the fact...Mr.Hirai is so talented coach!

From the TV program, I learned a lot, a teacher.
First, (it can apply for any jobs, though,) "big success comes from lots of failure."
Mr. Hirai did some mistakes at the Sydney Olympics, and they made him more persistent and professional.

Second, "it is important to give advice in "simple" words."
I think it's significant! Coaches, teachers, some people who "teach" something to people, tend to be wordy. Because I want to teach many things to my students, sometimes I explain too much & point out many things. But I understand I could have my students get confused!

Third, "Instructors should see one step further than pupils (students.)"
When Mr. Hirai got excited like a swimmer himself, he couldn't get a good result. Instructors should always be level-headed, and project their future, he said.
I know I have to think about how my students can keep studying English forever, but if I forget this "essence," I tend to "just" teach daily classes.

Ummm... we can always learn from people who are the "cream of the crop!"
While I was watching the program being impressed, my hubby kept saying...
"Honey, come back to the reality world! The Beijing Olympics were over!
Now, we are having our regular life, OK?!"
....I KNOW IT!

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