Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No-no, "yes"man

My classes always finish 8:00 or 9:00pm. It means I usually go back home around 9:00-10:30pm when I work. But today, my private student of the last class canceled his, so I was supposed to leave the school 7:00pm.
However, when I went to the school, a manager said, "Well, your new private student said he would come to school to apply for the class around 8:00pm. If you are free after the last class, will you stay here to talk with him, hopefully, start the first class?"
I hadn't refused school requests from our manager or the head teacher because I wanted to be a "reliable" teacher as soon as possible.
But, lately I've been tired, or somewhat jaded, so I stopped to be a "yes-man!"
(You know, correctly, "yes-woman...")
I said without hesitation, "Oh, I'm sorry! I have an appointment today. I can't make it."
What appointment? "Window-shopping with myself."

Of course co-workers should help each other. I want to do my best, but, frankly speaking, except for "the time when I teach", the time I stay school is almost "voluntary." I don't get paid! Everything I do at school is great learning for me, but sometimes I could be realistic.

...However, after I finished lessons, I found a visitor ( a prospective student.)
So I served tea, and talked with her for 15 minutes.
The 15 minutes is OK to me and for our school.
Well, I will be a person who can recognize "when I can say yes, when I can say no!"

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