Tonight, my hubby and I watched "P.S. I love you."
Where? At home. Why? Because my hubby got the DVD in America!
In Japan, it was released a few weeks ago, so it's a "hot" movie right now.
But in the United Stated, it was the last year's Christmas movie!
As a result, I love, love, love this movie. I like the main character Holly(acted by Hilary Swank), who has a sense of humor and gets emotional soon (in cute ways)like Carrie, from the Sex and the City.
Also, this movie(story) describes the eternal theme for everyone in the world, "How can you survive after you lose your beloved one?"
Unlikely most of other viewers, I especially like conversations between Holly and her boyfriend-to-be?, David.
When David said, "Tell me. What do you people (women) want? I never figure out that."
Holly smiled, "I'll tell you. But don't tell other guys I said to you, because it's the SACRED SECRET."
You should watch the movie if you want to know the answer!
..But I thought, the real SACRED SECRETS are the answers of the movie's theme.
I mean, "How can you survive after you lose your beloved one?"
When the movie released in the U.S in December 2007(I was there), one of my Japanese friends(who also were living in a small city in Indiana,) lost her husband because of a traffic accident. Their first baby was just one month old. She had no idea what to do, her family and her family in laws who flied from Japan had no idea how to conduct the funeral in a foreign country, even didn't know how to live in a small city in America.
What I did was just a little, but I drove them to supermarkets, cooked for them, delivered some necessities, and organized a volunteer circle to support them.
On the other hand, my hubby was just informed about his transfer to go back to Japan, so I had to pack our stuff for oversea moving.
Therefore, I forgot that I had been looking for watching this movie.
But now, when I watched this movie, I couldn't stop remembering her and her husband.
In the movie, when Holly and David were dating, they saw an old couple who seemed to love each other very much.
David said, "See? We are arrogant. We(young people) have been trying to stay younger as possible as we can, and ignore to appreciate our intimate people who stay with us, and get old together." (As I remembered...)
Regardless being alone just yourself, being alone you and your partner, or being alone you and your kids... How to survive depends on the person, and we have to find the way by ourselves. But let me see...nobody is being "completely alone," so as David said, appreciating your intimate people might be the best way to survive in this world.
My friend who lost her husband last year is living in Japan with her baby and her parents. I, am with my "luv" hubby and watching the movie together.
Yes, together...
Oops! He is sleeping!! Because the DVD is American, so it doesn't have the Japanese caption. He got accustomed to have Japanese captions since we got back to home country...
I wasn't aware this very IMPRESSIVE movie (for me) made him sleepy!
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