Making a speech (or presentation) is much alike MC job.
Before the speech (MC job,) I keep practicing until I become weary. However, even though I practiced a lot, I get really nervous just before I deliver a speech.
I feel very bad, even feel nausea. I also feel really thirsty, so I drink water a lot.
However, once I stand on the podium...I enjoy communicating with audience.
After the speech, I feel like, "I want to make a speech again!"
Today was a typical day that I noticed I really like making a speech at the Toastmasters.
My speech title was "Pursuit of Beauty." As I published the script on this blog, I talked about myself, who try to look better so much that sometimes I feel, "what am I doing?!"
I have been working "Humours Speeches," so I tried to make them laugh. Fortunately, everybody, including many quests, laughed a lot.
My evaluator said, "Now you became our club's best comedian!" I got the "Best Speaker Award" at the meeting, and was entitled to be a contestant of In-house Speech Contest.
On the way to home, I checked today's my speech again. I always record my speech on a voice recorder. I still was in the middle of satisfaction of today's success, but, making a speech would be "self" satisfaction unless I check my speech(MC job as well!) objectively.
My objective for today's speech was "speak slowly, and make pauses." I tend to speak fast to keep the time limit. That objective was fulfilled successfully. I made pauses until the audience's laughing stopped, and started to talk. Also, I spoke slowly enough. However, "speaking slowly" can sound "choppy." "Speak slowly, but do not choppy" is another objective...even when I do MC job in Japanese, this is almost "eternal challenge!"
Now, pronunciation & articulation. They get much better maybe because I teach English. My weak sounds, "r, l, and w" sounded better. However, some voiced consonants like "d or z" were sometimes unclear. Articulation is VERY important when I do my job... I should practice tongue-twister or something!
Anyway, now I'm enthusiastic for making next speech. Especially, "making people laugh" makes me feel good!!
Let's aim to be the "best" comedian at the International Speech Contest!
...What am I doing???...
"Best Speaker Award"おめでとう♡
がんばってるね (^^) !ユーモアって自分も仲間も(時に他人も)ハッピーな気持ちにさせてくれる魔法だね~!keikoと話してると私も魔法にかかります(^^)d
自分を客観的に見ると、おもしろいことっていっぱいあるよね♪ 若いころは自意識過剰でできなかったけど、今なら自分を捨てられます(笑)
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