Monday, January 11, 2010

Legend of Mac

Last night, my hubby and I had a gorgeous birthday dinner.
The menu was the food I like most in the world...C・R・A・B!!

At the middle of the course, my hubby muttered.
"I've already been tired of CRAB. I feel like M・A・C."
I was surprised, "MAC means MacDonald's burgers? You can eat them anytime, anywhere in the world!"
He said," It doesn't matter. I always feel LIKE MAC wherever I am!!"

That is true... Even we were in New York, London, Paris, or of course here in Tokyo... Whenever I ask him, "what do you want to eat?" He answers, "Mac!" or "Rice curry!"

This noon, he was pleased to drive to the nearest MacDonald's and get burgers for lunch, being excited.
He got home with a big Mac's paper bag, and took everything out.
"Look! Two value sets, additional french fries, chicken nuggets, and...??? Where is the barbecue sauce for chicken nuggets???"
We searched into paper bag.
"I don't know! Maybe they forgot to put it in!"
He was upset. "That's UNBELIEVABLE! ...Well, it's tiring to drive again to get it... But I should warn them!"

Originally, he is too shy to call for a complain. But deep love for MacDonald's made him brave.
The following is the conversation between my hubby and the clerk.

Clerk;"Thank you for calling MacDonald's. How can I help you?"
Hubby;" I just visited your restaurant, and bought burgers and chicken nuggets.
Now I'm home, but there is no BARBECUE SAUCE in the bag!"
C:"I'm so sorry for your inconvenience, sir. We'll deliver it to your home RIGHT AWAY."
H;"What? Deliver it!? ...OK, if you say so..."

As I was listening to the conversation, I was so surprised again.
"DELIVER it? You ask them to DELIVER a tiny package of sauce to our house? That's ridiculous! Use Yakiniku sauce or Tonkatsu sauce instead of the barbecue one!!"
Mu hubby was confused, "I agree with you... But I couldn't deny it! She said, "we'll deliver it" without A PAUSE!!"

30 minutes later, our doorbell rang.
There was a young, refreshing girl, who seemed a full-time worker of MacDonald's, not a part-timer. She wore a refined coat, not a uniform of MacDonald's.
Her cheeks became reddish, as if she had been running to our home.

She said, "I'm so sorry for our mistake, and my delay, sir. They are for you. Please accept our apology."
Actually she was delivering not only A small package of barbecue sauce, but also new chicken nuggets, and a free coupon of a value set."

We also apologized to her!
"WE ARE so sorry for making you run to our house for this TINY package of sauce..."
Three of us were making bows again and again to each other, at our hallway.
She strictly refused, but we gave her some bottles of special juice for "our apology."

My hubby LOVES chicken nuggets and barbecue sauce, but he couldn't just be pleased with getting additional nuggets.
"Now my mind is full of a feeling of guilt!! Will it be a LEGEND of mac??
I didn't mean to tease her!! I may not be able to feel asleep today, because of the guilt..."

If you can cooperate us, please go to MacDonald's and eat their burgers, to offset his guilt!!!


レイナ said...




keiko said...


旦那、マックのかわいいお姉さんが帰った直後は、「罪の意識で今夜は眠れないかも。。」って言ってたけど、真夜中になったらすっかり忘れ、「お腹すいたなー。 マックに電話したろかなー。 届けてくれるでー。」って言ってたよ(笑)

「両方ください」っていうのもアリなんだね! いいこと知りました(笑)