"Basic Black" is a business inspirational book written by Cathie Black, who is the president of Hearst Magazines( one of the major publishers in the U.S.)
I had just finished reading this book a few days ago.
Cathie has been chosen one of Fortune's "50 most powerful women is American Business." Yes, she is powerful, beautiful, and unique. So called a "career woman."
Also, she is married, has three children (two of them were adopted.) Yes, so called "having it all" life.
However, my favorite part of this book is where she wrote, "I hate the word "having it all."
She said, " I don't think the best life for every women is so-called "having it all."
Having your all! Not anyone else's. I had been a workaholic, but my choice wouldn't suit everyone. Live your best life. Not necessarily the most successful life, and not anyone else's life-but your best life."
I was wondering how much I can work when I was reading this book, but this part gave me courage to keep my own pace.
When I was a high school student, our Japanese teacher told us, "You have to make numerous decisions if your life. In those critical moments, what becomes your "criteria" to chose just one? That is...books. Read good books as many as you can. I guarantee they will be nutrition in your mind."
I know the importance of reading books. But after I graduated high school, I just had been attracted "secular" things, and alienated readings.
And...actually...the "Basic Black" is my first English book I read through outside classes! I have read many hardcover books because I needed to read them in English classes, and I like to read English magazines... But "reading an English business book privately" is my first experience!!
I know I need to read more and more...as English improvement, and get nutrition for my healthy mind!!
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