Friday, October 24, 2008


In my classes, sometimes I teach "how to describe people in English."
Myself? I am clumsy...and, I realized another disposition of mine. Even though I'd already noticed it...

Two days ago, on the way from work, I was in front of my condo.
My condo has an automatic security system, so I need to screen my room key on it whenever I enter my condo.
But, on the day, the security system didn't work. I mean, the door didn't open.
"What is happening?" I screened my key again and again. Yes, my room key...
NO! It's not my key! Actually, I screened "SUIKA (a commuter pass)" on the security system! No wonder it didn't work...
At that time, I thought "Gosh! I'm tired!"

Yesterday, on the way from work again, I screened my key to enter my condo.
The door didn't open, again... "What's wrong with the security system?"
No! The security system is fine! I screened my commuter pass again, instead of my room key!
I said to myself, "Oh, clap! I'm stupid!"

...And, today. Do you already guess the punch line??
The door of my condo didn't open again, even though I screened my room key...
NOOOO!!! The commuter pass, again!!
...I couldn't stop laughing at me. "Yap, I know! I'm HOPELESSLY stupid!!" dispositions are...clumsy, and "hopelessly" stupid.
Do you buy me? It's a true story!!

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