Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Perfume and Silk

Even though it has been very fine holidays, my hubby and I has stayed home on Sunday and today because he has to work, and I have to study.
However, we watched two movie DVDs. They were Perfume http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1808762716/infoand Silk ttp://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809416923/info.

One of my philosophies is... we should watch movies at least one per week, as well as read books at least one per month. ( I don't follow it because I can't manage time well! But I want to follow☆) Why? because books and movies are great learning! We can learn universal truth, innovative ideas, inspirational stories from reading. Compared with movies, we can learn lives, world, and emotion.
The visual images are mostly much more impressive & easier to catch than writing when we see "the world we don't know." Also, actors express humans emotion by their look, sigh, expression, and gesture. They are like "non-verbal language."

Sometimes we can't say what we want to say directly.
If you watch movies a lot, you will get to know what people want to say through their non-verbal language. It means you can be "an expert of love."
I don't know, a movie critic said so!!

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